Recognising the gap in the market for reliable water billing systems, we have combined our expertise in the above to develop “goBill” which is a Meter Reading and Billing System specifically designed for Group Water Schemes.
Following the feedback we received from Group Water Schemes around Ireland we found they were looking for alternative billing systems for the various reasons:
Outsourcing the billing is a costly method and there’s lack of control over the billing process which can leads to errors.
Limitations of Excel Sheets as a billing method. There is significant skill required to maintaining spreadsheets. The unstructured nature of spreadsheets can lead to errors.
Having invested in handhelds the promised savings in reading effort were not realized and reading reverted to a manual process.
The complexity of the existing system is preventing the handover to another Administrator.
If you identify with any of these issues we think we can help you.
Our system is easy to use and allows you to take back the control of your data and remove the common causes for errors. It is much more cost effective than outsourcing or spending hours poring over Excel spreadsheets. As handheld specialists we’ve been able to devise a scanning system that is reliable and easy to use. The system automates Reading, Billing, Cash collection and Financial Control.
In some cases, we would envisage you would see a return on investment by year 2.
The System has the following components:
A handheld computer with integrated barcode scanner. This is used in conjunction with our special weather proofed barcode label to made the meter reading process simple and accurate.
Water Manager
This PC software is used to produce the billing run for all or for selected customers. It also allows you control the meters associated with each customer.
Sage Accounts
This is Irelands most popular accounts package for small organisations, the Water Manager software is integrated with it so that water invoices are saved to Sage. As an accounts package it is fully featured and will allow you record all your bank transactions and also purchase transactions. Having all your records in Sage makes your accountants job much simpler.
Direct Debit Module for Sage
This allows you generate a file which is SEPA compatible and send it to your bank so that each of your customers bank accounts will be debited with the balance due from them.
We provide initial onsite training and have a dedicated support team to help you every step of the way.
If there is any change in administrators of the scheme, we can provide the same training and support again so continuity is assured regardless of personnel changes in your scheme.